February 3, 2010


So February is here.  I can honestly say I am sick and tired of the cold and dreary days we've had here.  I want some sunshine and warmth!  I don't really mind the cold as long as there is sunshine along with it.  There is something extremely beautiful about a cold, crisp, clear skies, day when the sun is beaming down on us!  I absolutely love those kind of days.  It reminds me of my childhood and Tiger, my horse.  I used to wake up on Saturday mornings and get dressed and get on Tiger and be gone all day.  His body warm and strong with its winter hair.  I loved riding him and he loved being ridden.  I've tried horseback riding now and again recently by way of rentals but, it just isn't the same as getting on your own horse and riding all day.  Oh what energy there was!

So how do I feel about Valentine's day?  I feel that it is a woman's day!  Yes, a woman's day and no, I am not sexist.  I feel that there SHOULD be one special day when a woman should feel like a woman and treated like one because I know that just about every other day, more or less in different relationships, women are taken for granted and I feel women feel that way more often than men.  That is why buying her something special whether it is jewelry or a weekend getaway should be on every man's agenda in February.  Good luck guys!

February is here and before we know it it will be gone, again.  I am looking forward to spring and, even though I hear birds chirping right now, the chirps I hear in the spring are somehow different.  At least to my ears they are.  They sound happier, as if they are saying "hooray, spring is here" :) Don't we all feel that way? Spring is right around the corner but, I welcome today with a great big kiss! The trees may be bare and the sky may be gray but, I'm alive and breathing so it is another beautiful day.

I have decided to have a special offer each month this year so please take a moment and read about my February special on my website www.youravon.com/bvidal.  While you are there, feel free to read my other blog.

Barbara Vidal
Avon Independent Sales Representative


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